The Fierce Irony of a Warrior Shines in the
Last and Unfinished Text Left by HPB in1891
Helena P. Blavatsky
“Public opinion in Russia, as anywhere else, is like
a kaleidoscope in which the combination of figures
change continually according to the movement of the
hand holding it; or, in other words, the notion of what
is possible or impossible, prudent or foolish, suitable or
unsuitable, depends on some leaders of science and fashion
who cause that public opinion to rotate like a weather-cock.”
Editorial Commentary:
The following article was written in Russian by Helena Blavatsky to be used as the beginning of a “story”, which would be called “The Theosophical Society: a Truthful Tale of the Nineteenth Century”.
Its subtitle would be “Source-material for the Future History of Psychism in the Darwinian Epoch. Dedicated to the Skeptics of the Motherland”.
In spite of the humour and irony one finds in it, it is easy to see the pain with which HPB wrote the text, a short while before she died in London on 8 May 1891. The text shows Blavatsky had no illusions regarding what to expect from most theosophists, in terms of good sense and discernment.
“Uncertain Winds Guide Public Opinion” is available as an independent item in the websites of the Independent Lodge of Theosophists since 26 December 2022. It is also part of the May 2019 edition of “The Aquarian Theosophist”.
Small Practical Actions
* The purpose of obtaining knowledge is to put it into practice.
* Accept the privilege of thinking with calm. Print the texts you study from the associated websites. Reading on paper helps us attain a deeper view of philosophical ideas. As the reader studies a printed text, he can underline sentences and make handwritten comments in the margins that link the ideas directly to his personal reality.
Read more:
* See other texts on Russia, Theosophy and Helena Blavatsky.